Friday, October 23, 2015

Is a friend really a friend when they cant keep your conversations confidential?

     Is a friend really a friend when they can not keep your conversations confidential?  You confide in your friend when you need to vent, but what happens when you confide and you here about it the next day from someone else.  What do you do?  Do you confide in that friend again? Do you confront them? Do you regret every time you vent hoping that that someone hasn't spilt the beans?  What to do when you have no one to vent to.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Picking your Brain...

What do you wish you'd known about your career when you were younger and just starting out?

Doing some research while I am in college and doing my career hunting, networking, and interviewing.
Some Answers I Have Received So Far For Example: " I wish I had kept all the contact info for everyone I ever met anywhere, with notes!", " I wish I had a better understanding of what careers were out there other than the obvious ones ( doctor,lawyer,teacher, ect...) exists and how people who have such careers reached the positions they hold now." 

 A great book for the college student no matter what stage you are in.
                 Pollak, Lindsey.Getting from College to Career-90 Things to do before you join the real 
                            world. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2007. Print.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Garden time.

It is about time to start getting those gardens ready for planting. Their are so many things out there to plant it is hard to choose just a few to fit your family. One thing that I really love is herbs. I am growing an herb garden in the house so that I can have them on hand. I plant them in old spaghetti sauce jars or cans and put them on a shelf on the wall or in the window. Another way to display your herbs is on a peace of old scrap wood with some metal clamp rings around the jars to hold them tight on the peace of wood, you can hang it anywhere as a decorative peace. One thing I also like to do is freeze my herbs so that I may get them out and throw them right in a dish. You can either freeze them together to make a nice combo or separately and you can submerge them in water or oil. Place liquid of choice in ice cube trays and drop herbs in to freeze. Happy Gardening