Thursday, April 9, 2015

Picking your Brain...

What do you wish you'd known about your career when you were younger and just starting out?

Doing some research while I am in college and doing my career hunting, networking, and interviewing.
Some Answers I Have Received So Far For Example: " I wish I had kept all the contact info for everyone I ever met anywhere, with notes!", " I wish I had a better understanding of what careers were out there other than the obvious ones ( doctor,lawyer,teacher, ect...) exists and how people who have such careers reached the positions they hold now." 

 A great book for the college student no matter what stage you are in.
                 Pollak, Lindsey.Getting from College to Career-90 Things to do before you join the real 
                            world. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2007. Print.

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