Friday, July 25, 2014

Yoga time.

Time to take a break and do some yoga. Don't forget to breath slowly!!!  In through the nose all the way from the belly to the chest and out a slightly opened mouth.  Once a day or 3 times a day?  I do yoga at least ounce a day, especially on my lower body.  I have a lot of issues with my hips cramping up like crazy, its irritating.  Some of my favorite poses open the hips and stretch out the legs, poses like the pigeon and thread the needle are a couple of my favorites.  The thread the needle is a little less intense.  Here is a brief description on how the thread the needle pose goes. 
             Lay flat on your back with your knees slightly bent, next take your right or left leg witch ever one you would like first and place the ankle on the knee of the opposite leg like you would be sitting and partially crossing your legs.  Next, bring both legs close to chest at the same time and place hands around the knee that's holding the ankle, either under the ankle or over either way, now pull towards your chest slightly so not to hurt yourself, but till you feel a stretch and hold to the count of 8.  Do that on both sides. 

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