Friday, November 21, 2014

To save or not to save.

Why do people waste money instead of saving it? Spending is what we do best, that's why. We have the money so we spend it, why save when the item you want most is right at your finger tips. It's those items that we want and have to have but don't need, that gets us spending. It's that in trend item that we have to have because that's what every one else has, like those smart TV's and phones and that new 2014 vehicle or that hair style and color. Sending and wasting money is what we do. Why save is what I ask? Saving can keep you and your family comfortable. You will have that money for those emergency doctor visits and the money for Christmas. You will have that money to buy that ounce trending item that you wanted that is now on sell because it is slightly now, out of style. Not going out and spending constantly is what we should do. Most people do not know how to spend and budget there money and don't intend on learning how to because, "spending is what we do best". Have a nice day and happy saving.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Snack Time

Ever looking around the house and wandering what to snack on that doesn't consist of candy and all those unwanted sugars that just add pounds. One of my favorite snacks is celery. I love to cover my celery in peanut butter and chow down. Another way to add a little healthy kick is to line the peanut butter with raisins( ants on a log, when it comes to the kids version.) You get a healthy dose of water from the celery, you get an energy boost from peanut butter along with iron, and anti aging benefits as well. And lets not leave out the raisins, like dried apricots, figs, and prunes, they have a source of energy, vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Happy Eating!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

A good book for the body.

A great book to read is "Love your Body", by Talia Fuhrman. The book is all about feeling beautiful and being comfortable in your own skin, choosing the right foods and the right attitude. In "Love your Body", Talia proves that a healthy lifestyle can be fun, practical, and easy. The book is full of nutrition tips, advice, and recipes. Its a mind body manual that offers a fun, simple road map to better living and proves that loving your body, inside and out, can be positively delicious!! Happy reading!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rush Not

Why are we in such a rush? I have noticed more and more how people are in such a hurry, especially while driving on the road. I'll be driving along doing the speed limit and a car speeds right by me in a hurry, swerving in and out of traffic, expecting to get wherever they need to go on time. Next thing I know I pull up beside them at the light, they look over at me in discuss, probably wandering why this person has caught up to me when I have been going so fast and passing everyone. I have noticed that most and I mean not all people do this on a regular basis, they are in such a frenzy and in a hurried state that they do not realize that in there frantic measures that they do not get any further than the person going the speed limit. So I say, slow down, don't be in such a hurry. In reality you are getting all bent out of shape for no reason, go with the flow. Drive Safe!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Energy Boost !!!

Ever have those days where you get half way through the day and you start to just feel tired, slugish, and need a little natural boost. Well a good way to get going again is to just take a shower, either full blown wash down or just a rinse off. Sounds silly? Try it, never hurts and if it doesnt work for you then, ok. It seems to work for me, I feel refreshed and ready to go again without having to down the sugar that will without dought be still running through my system when I try and get that well deserved sleep at bed time. Have A Good Day.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Dance Away!!!!

Instead of sitting around the house watching TV and or playing video games, get up and dance. Unplug for a bit and move. Just turn some of your favorite music on and do your chores, dust, fold laundry, sweep the floor, do dishes or work out. "Dance Like No One Is Watching" is a well known saying, one of my most favorite artist uses it often, Lindsey Sterling ( one of the best violin players I've ever heard). I pop her music in and dance as I'm doing my chores. Enjoy!!!!! "Dance Like No One Is Watching"

Monday, August 18, 2014

Is sex important in our lives? Why?

Talking about sex can be a little awkward to some and fun for others, depends on the personality of that person. Today I am talking in terms of health reasons so kidding aside lets talk about some benefits. It is proven that sex can be very beneficial and healthy. It is known to boost your immune system, improve bladder control in women, lower blood pressure( lowers risk of heart attack), improves sleep, and is even considered exercise along with a stress reliever. It can bring couples together, boost your self-esteem and happiness. There are many benefits to having a healthy sexual life with your partner, but just remember to be safe and I believe being very picky in this department is key, don't ever just settle.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Working the legs.

You want a good workout for the legs without leaving home, plus accomplishing a chore.  Go pull weeds in the garden for 30 mins. to an hour.  Pulling weeds gets your calves, thighs and butt a major workout because of the squading motion.  Trust me you will feel it later.  HAVE FUN.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Get Connected

Getting connected, this can mean many things, but I am speaking in terms of connecting with old friends or family. Some people like to stay to themselves and just stay rogue, because it is just easier and less drama. While others can't get enough of the interaction with "people". I, myself am a person that thinks less is better and I try to keep my distance. But, I do also believe sometimes reconnecting is a good thing when you need companionship from another. Finding that old friend or family member you have not seen in forever and just exchanging numbers and even having lunch can fill a void that you did not know was even empty. So, get out there and get connected, because it can be worth you and the other persons while. Happy Hunting!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Take a break.

Take a break!!!! Taking a break can be the best thing to do when you are running ragged trying to get so much done. Sounds silly doesn't it, well it helps. Going and going can make your head hurt, get you frustrated, and your thoughts seem to just run together to the point that you are heading to the kitchen to do dishes and end up putting away the laundry instead, completely oblivious of why you went in there in the first place. If it gets to that point, take a break. Go sit on the porch and have a cup of tea or coffee, go for a walk around the block, play a game with the kids, go work in the garden( you know there are always plenty of weeds), do some well deserved stretching of those muscles or just take a cat nap. There are so many ways to just reboot, you can even start a blog about nothing but your thoughts, or pets, ect. When I need a reboot I may blog, or play with the kids, and I really love to walk the antique malls, whether I buy anything or not. Just RELAX and breath.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Snack Time...

Ever get that after noon craving for a snack, well i do around 3:00ish.  A great healthy snack is a smoothy, I buy those frozen bags of fruit, just add to blender with either 2% milk or soy if preferred.   Now if you want something warm and crunchy asparagus is a good choice, just add a bit of oil in the bottom of skillet and toss asparagus till warm but still crisp( dont forget to chop off stem ends for best results).  ENJOY!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Yoga Time....

Cat-Cow may be the most important pose you learn when starting yoga, especially if you have back pain. Even if you never make it to more than a few yoga classes (no! come back!), continue doing this stretch on your own for your spinal health.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Got to have that cup of coffee in the morning, go right ahead. One cup or even two cups of coffee are good for you considering the many benefits of caffeine that your coffee contains. Some of the benefits are,that it is loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve your health. Caffeine is one of the very few natural substances that have actually been proven to aid fat burning. It is also proven that caffeine can improve your energy level and make you smarter, many controlled trials in humans show that coffee improves various aspects of brain function. This includes memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and general cognitive function. So in conclusion have that well deserved cup of coffee, just dont over indulge, to much of a good thing can turn against you.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Yoga time.

Time to take a break and do some yoga. Don't forget to breath slowly!!!  In through the nose all the way from the belly to the chest and out a slightly opened mouth.  Once a day or 3 times a day?  I do yoga at least ounce a day, especially on my lower body.  I have a lot of issues with my hips cramping up like crazy, its irritating.  Some of my favorite poses open the hips and stretch out the legs, poses like the pigeon and thread the needle are a couple of my favorites.  The thread the needle is a little less intense.  Here is a brief description on how the thread the needle pose goes. 
             Lay flat on your back with your knees slightly bent, next take your right or left leg witch ever one you would like first and place the ankle on the knee of the opposite leg like you would be sitting and partially crossing your legs.  Next, bring both legs close to chest at the same time and place hands around the knee that's holding the ankle, either under the ankle or over either way, now pull towards your chest slightly so not to hurt yourself, but till you feel a stretch and hold to the count of 8.  Do that on both sides. 

Loving your body.

          Taking care of your body can be taxing, but is worth it in the end.  One piece of advice that I can give you is to get interested in yoga.  Yoga has helped me tremendously, it gives you focus and is very relaxing.  I am more flexible than I have ever been and I sleep better at the end of the day.  My yoga time is my meditation time, you can do 10mins. or 1hr, either way you get results.